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Your donation provides personalized, timely support that students use to persist through college, graduate, and go far in life!
Bottom Line Massachusetts
Since 1997, Bottom Line Massachusetts has supported over 3,000 high school and college students in Boston and Worcester. Located in Jamaica Plain, were proud to be a relentless ally to first-generation college students from systemically under-resourced communities as they pave their paths to college graduation and career success.
Your donation provides personalized, timely support that students use to persist through college, graduate, and go far in life!
Bottom Line’s college advising programs are designed for first-generation students to get into college, graduate, and go far in life.
Take the Next Step. Become a Relentless Ally.
Bottom Line partners with first-generation college students from under-resourced communities and backgrounds to get into and through college and successfully launch a career. Join us in helping our students achieve their dreams!
Explore recent media features showcasing the impact and success across all Bottom Line regions.
Bottom Line Massachusetts is made up of a team of experienced leaders passionately committed to driving student success.
Bottom Line relies on a diverse network of partners. Together, we form a community of relentless allies, partnering with students and affecting communities.