Make a Gift Today!
Your donation provides personalized, timely support that students use to persist through college, graduate, and go far in life!
Turn College Dreams Into Reality
At Bottom Line, we believe every student deserves an equal chance to succeed. Partner with us to break down barriers and empower students to achieve their college and career aspirations. Together, we can create brighter futures.
Bottom Line collaborates with select target colleges to maximize student impact and improve graduation rates. If your institution is near a Bottom Line office or aligns with our mission, let’s work together to enhance college retention and student success.
Our evidence-based approach to college persistence and graduation has been validated by a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT). Join our Learning Labs to explore our model, apply best practices, and connect with peers committed to helping students succeed in college and beyond.
Invest in the future by partnering with Bottom Line. As a corporate partner, your company can support motivated students from diverse backgrounds while building a strong and inclusive talent pipeline.
Across the 15 largest U.S. metro areas, there are 830,000 first-generation, underrepresented, degree-aspiring students from low-income backgrounds—but Bottom Line currently serves less than 1%. Partner with us to achieve our 2030 vision of serving over 20,000 students annually in 7-10 regions.
Make a meaningful difference in the lives of students by volunteering with Bottom Line. Whether you can offer a lot of time or just a little, your support will empower first-generation students from low-income backgrounds to get into college, graduate, and achieve their dreams.
Your donation provides personalized, timely support that students use to persist through college, graduate, and go far in life!